Übersetzungsbüro oneword; Leiste mit Logos

We combine a long-term strategic vision with an eye for detail

When it comes to implementing translation, localisation and terminology projects, the costs, quality and time required all depend on the design of the workflow, the use of suitable technologies and the flexibility of the individual process components. The question is simply how smoothly sub-processes run on from one another, how technologies and project participants are synchronised, and ultimately how your translation service provider can adapt to and respond to your specific requirements.

Our consultancy services at a glance: We offer advice and support with

  • all process-related and strategic questions about translation management and all upstream and downstream work steps
  • selecting, configuring and applying translation, editing and terminology systems
  • Feasibility analyses surrounding translation, localisation and terminology
  • Performing profitability analyses and selecting, training, and implementing machine translation and post-editing (MTPE)
  • Implementing a company-wide terminology management system
  • Introducing an efficient and multi-level quality management system
  • Short-term questions about dealing with tools
  • Making extensive editing processes efficient
  • Optimising technical editing to improve the translation process

We have the right answers to all your questions ready, no matter how basic or specific they are. Easy to understand, easy to implement. We can help you find the perfect solution.

Jasmin Nesbigall


Head of MTPE and Terminology Management

j.nesbigall@oneword.de +49 (0)7031 714-9552
Phoenix Contact

“We are especially pleased with the linguistic expertise, technological competence with Across and reliable project management at oneword. As well as receiving expert feedback from oneword, it is particularly important for us that, in addition, they frequently provide us with advice on how to improve our own procedures.”

Richard Donaldson, Manager Translation Services, PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG

Training sessions and workshops online, in house or on site

We provide you with practical training and individually tailored workshops for all questions and topics. We will train you in using translation systems and terminology management or introduce you to complex topics, such as machine translation and MTPE or multilingual SEO. Receive tips on how to make your translation management more cost effective and time efficient. Benefit from nearly two decades of broad experience and problem-solving expertise.

HELLA Case study

Postediting Maschinelle Übersetzung

How HELLA saves around 40% in translation costs with machine pre-translation.

Smart workflows


We automate and optimise your translation management to save you time.

What is MTPE?

Was ist MTPE

Machine translation + post-editing (MTPE): We explain what it is and how you can benefit from it.

Tools unique to oneword, based on solutions to real customer needs

Through years of experience in solving customer-specific challenges, we have developed our own in-house tools that optimise your translation process.



Manage translation jobs easily and efficiently.



Easy terminology management with our oneTerm service.



Proofread in the final layout, in any language and in your browser!

8 good reasons to choose oneword.

Learn more about what we do and what sets us apart from traditional translation agencies.

We explain 8 good reasons and more to choose oneword for a successful partnership.

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