Übersetzungsbüro oneword; Leiste mit Logos

Why oneword?

oneword is a quality leader for excellent specialised translation, terminology and localisation projects as well as a strategic partner for individual translation solutions and technology concepts. A client base of several hundred well-known companies and organisations from industry and commerce, the public sector, and science and research have been placing their trust in us since 2004. New customers join almost daily. Over 95 percent remain loyal to us over the long term and are happy to recommend us to others.

Our services go way beyond just translations. A high-performance team consisting of experts from the fields of professional translation and revision, project and quality management, terminology, desktop publishing, programming and IT works on your solutions relating to language and technologies in an agile manner, with quick decision-making processes and at the highest level.

We always forge new, innovative paths to achieve the optimum result for you. We guarantee that you will receive honest, competent, strategically valuable and individual support at all times and we will always be there to provide assistance on all specialist, process-related, technical and quality matters.

Sarah Gießler
Sarah Gießler, oneword


Head of Translation Management

s.giessler@oneword.de +49 (0)7031 714-9551

1. Customer satisfaction

Our work is all about your satisfaction and delivering the highest quality: Your challenges and requirements are our top priority. We are by your side with expertise and enthusiasm to achieve the best possible translation results and to give your company a voice in all languages for the long term. This starts with selecting resources, progresses onto continually optimising processes and strategic consulting, and ends where the most important thing begins: with a long-term, strategic partnership with you. Our distinct service philosophy and respectful collaboration are an integral part of our corporate culture.

2. Quality standard

Quality is a fundamental part of our corporate DNA. We are one of the few translation service providers whose processes are certified to the quality standards for translation services ISO 17100 and DIN ISO 18587. In both cases, we are regularly audited by independent experts and by customers from industry.

Every step in the translation process follows our quality philosophy – from our in-house staff’s qualifications and the strict selection of our professional native-speaker translators and revisers in line with the specifications of ISO 17100 to a multi-level quality assurance system consisting of evaluable methods and techniques. Your company-specific goals, specifications and style guides, supplemented by our well-founded query, terminology and feedback management, are the benchmark for our quality standards.

In order to consolidate our own quality standards and to continue developing them as an industry-wide benchmark in the future, we are also a DIN member on the standardisation committee for terminology and translation services.

3. Individual processes

Translation processes are often complex, extensive and dependent on technology. Therefore, in addition to technical expertise and a deep understanding of your products, we also focus on all project participants having a high level of technical and system competence. Based on this, we create an efficient and cost-saving translation management system and develop tailor-made solutions to achieve the optimum result for you in terms of quality, time and cost. We think ahead, both for you and with you, give you transparent advice and provide feedback with strategic vision and lasting effect.

4. Comprehensive portfolio

We offer a wide range of highly specialised language services: Our extensive expertise in every step of the supply chain – specialised translation, localisation, terminology, post-editing, transcreation, SEO translation, foreign language typesetting and training – makes us an expert partner to industry. In order to work on the success of your communications, both efficiently and effectively, we have created integrative concepts such as the oneTask customer portal for optimal order management, the oneReview review platform, and knowledge management and translation memory systems. We integrate our services completely into your workflows, adapt ourselves to your framework conditions and working methods to the greatest extent, and are always by your side with our expertise.

5. Technologies

We see technology and technological change in our industry as an opportunity, and as extra scope to achieve the best possible translation results. We concentrate on effectively combining human knowledge and skills with the latest technologies. We use them to optimise and automate process steps at many points along the supply chain. In addition to our own standard software, we develop new technologies, customised solutions and interfaces. We provide you with reliable support at every step of your translation processes with technology and understanding.

6. Reliability

The market changes, as do customer requirements. Faster product life cycles, new information behaviour and more internationally orientated corporate strategies require comprehensive communication concepts. In a dynamic and changing situation, reliability acts as an anchor. This is why we provide you with permanent contact persons who know and understand your specific requirements and company goals and find solutions for them. Our project managers are academically educated, industry savvy and have a background in language training. With our professional native-speaker translators and revisers, we also provide permanent expert teams for your company so that your products are optimally understood and translated. Permanently established responsibilities guarantee that you will receive quick responses, complete adherence to deadlines and well-founded, professional answers to your questions.

7. Innovation

Keeping abreast of developments, courageously expanding horizons, being a pioneer – alone or in collaboration with others. In short: making innovation simple! All this has always been part of our brand essence. This applies to new workflows and tools and to integrating machine translation or developing new language technologies and services. Many new paths have proven their worth and have become model projects. And for each new task, we take every new path required. In this way, we always keep an eye on potential optimisations and the future for you – and you can rely on us to be there for all popular topics.

8. Sustainability

As an independent, family-run company, expertise, commitment and responsibility are fundamental values for us. The success of your projects is the basis of our entrepreneurship.

Both of these can only be achieved with satisfied, motivated employees. This is why we invest in a long-term, respectful and constructive collaboration at all levels and across all national borders. We reward the important work of our external translation partners – and of our internal employees – with fair pay, prompt payment, and a respectful working relationship. Further training, modern working time models and other measures for employee loyalty foster motivation and trust, which brings clear and tangible benefits to our customers.

 Our times and the way we live and work are characterised by significant change. New technologies, new values and new ways of working shape our everyday life. This makes it all the more important to be able to build on reliable partnerships that follow this change, move forward proactively and find solutions together. We see reliable and committed collaboration as the key to lasting success and as an important anchor during continuous changes. Many thanks to all our customers, partners and employees for their constructive collaboration, trust, commitment and great team spirit!
Andrea Modersohn, Managing Partner, oneword GmbH

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At oneword, social responsibility is about partnership

oneword was awarded the LEA medium-sized business award for exemplary social commitment at the New Stuttgart Palace’s digital ceremony in July 2020 for the sixth consecutive year. For a number of years, oneword has been passionately committed to children’s charity Kinderhilfswerk nph deutschland e. V., which provides a safe and loving family environment for orphaned children in Latin America and the Caribbean…

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