Übersetzungsbüro oneword; Leiste mit Logos

Translation for marketing and communications

Marketing translation from oneword

Whether advertising materials, website texts, e-commerce texts or press releases: a professional marketing translation is extremely demanding. The message and impact of the original text should be retained in the marketing translation, but cultural aspects of the target market should be taken into account. Therefore, translating marketing texts requires not just a feel for language but also experience of and cultural knowledge about the target countries.

We offer culturally adapted and SEO-optimised marketing translations. To make sure that the promotional message in your marketing translation is effectively conveyed to your international customers, our native-speaker marketing translators ‘transcreate’ your content and adapt it to the culture and linguistic conventions of your international customer. We’ll integrate your corporate language, specific wording and other style requirements into the translation and optimise your international reach with suitable keywords in the foreign languages for online marketing purposes. We offer you:

  • Academically trained, native-speaker translators for marketing and advertising
  • Expertise in many industries
  • Translation quality certified to ISO 17100
  • Extend the reach of your marketing translation with transcreation and SEO translation
  • Development of style guides for consistent corporate language
  • Foreign-language typesetting/DTP in all languages
Karin Klein
Karin Klein, oneword


Head of Customer Relations


k.klein@oneword.de +49 (0)7031 714-9563

“oneword is an extremely reliable and trustworthy service provider, who make us feel well taken care of. They meet our requirements in terms of quality, expertise, project management and communication in every way. We are completely satisfied with every aspect of the service – a big ‘thank you’ to the whole team! It’s a pleasure to work with you!”

Karen Koops, Team Leader, Technical Documentation, MEDION AG

Transcreation of advertising materials

Transcreating marketing materials and campaigns is about more than just translation: nowhere is a brand’s image influenced more than in the language and intention of a text. Successful advertising campaigns, taglines and slogans stay in people’s minds even years later. To market a product, service or company with equal success internationally, the brand message needs to evoke the same associations and emotions in the foreign language as in the original.

What is transcreation?

The word transcreation is composed of ‘translation’ and ‘creation’. Do you design advertising materials in your marketing department/using a creative agency and would you like to use the materials in all your target markets? With transcreations, oneword offers marketing departments at international brands a professional way to use promotional messages in a way that works worldwide, without having to rely on international or local agencies on site. During transcreation, our marketing translators adapt your advertising materials so that they can be used successfully in the target market.

Read more on the oneword blog: With transcreation, international campaigns strike the right tone

How does a transcreation project work?

Ideally, we hold a workshop or a detailed briefing with you during which we record your goals, expectations, target groups and background information on your products and brand identity. This information forms the basis of transcreation. We then work with you to develop a strategy for implementing transcreation projects tailored to your company. Only then will your project manager brief the experienced, native-speaker marketing translators.

Read more on the oneword blog: Transcreation: Five tips for the path to a successful international campaign

Advantages of transcreations from oneword

  • Creative adaptation of your campaigns, taglines or slogans into a foreign language, taking account of specific cultural factors
  • Greater customer confidence and satisfaction
  • Optimised for the target market
  • Native-speaker marketing translators and transcreators
Panama PR GmbH

“oneword has been a reliable partner to us for over ten years. They enable us to launch PR campaigns at international level, always delivering on time with complete dependability. oneword is also very flexible, with wide-ranging expertise: from decorative cosmetics and wine to technically complex subjects such as machining, packaging technology and Industry 4.0.”

Linnéa Schattling, PR Consultant, Panama PR GmbH

Website localisation: Websites and online shops

Need to have your website translated? Do you run international e-commerce operations? Professional website translation or, to be more accurate, website localisation, is crucial to a business’s global market success. The quality of the translation of your website and online store plays a vital role in deciding whether a potential international customer finds your business and your products, and whether they make initial contact with you. A convincing website is the be-all and end-all of your localisation project. With translations that are SEO optimised, you ensure that your search engine ranking is helping you, even in the foreign-language target market. In addition to this, cost-effective project management for localising web content is becoming increasingly important.

What does website localisation mean?

To localise a website, it’s not enough to ‘just’ have your website translated. Website localisation involves adapting the site content to local expectations and linguistic conventions in a given country or region, with a local audience in mind. Essentially, it means linguistically and culturally adapting the translation. This includes the images, colours, idioms, figures of speech, forms of address and the reading direction. For example, if you use European Spanish for the Mexican market, you run the risk that a word that’s perfectly ordinary in Spain might have a negative connotation in Mexico.

The amount that your website is ‘localised’ depends on a variety of factors, and not least on your products and services. Our language and cultural experts will give you professional advice to help you give your website an international impact.

Advantages of website localisation with oneword:

  • Native-speaker cultural and language experts for professionally translating your website
  • Accurate market knowledge and insight into your industry
  • Translation quality certified to the ISO 17100 quality standard
  • Improve search engine ranking with multilingual SEO translation
  • Efficient localisation management with lower costs
  • Let our localisation experts advise you on the steps you need to take to translate your web content.
TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen

“For almost two years, we’ve been placing a large number of translation projects with oneword. As well as the dependability of their communication and the on-time delivery, what impresses us most is the quality. The fact that the translations are produced with SEO requirements in mind is a particular plus and was an important criterion in choosing them as a service provider.”

Claudia Witte, International Marketing Project Management, TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH

Be found worldwide: SEO translations

Today, over 90% of all global website visitors reach a site from a search query entered in Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex or other search engines. Therefore, a good search engine ranking is the top success factor in selling your products or services. It makes little sense to invest lots of time and money in your website if potential customers can’t find it using relevant keywords on Google and other search engines. To increase their search engine visibility, many companies rely on SEO (search engine optimisation). You probably already use SEO for your existing website and try to rank well for certain German keywords. But what about your international web presence? Your international visitors’ search behaviour depends a lot on cultural and linguistic factors. Therefore, SEO-optimised website translation, or multilingual search engine optimisation (MSEO), requires more than just straightforward translation.

What’s an SEO translation?

SEO translation, or multilingual search engine optimisation (MSEO), is translating websites, blogs and landing pages in a way that is SEO optimised. It aims to adapt the content to the target market’s exact search habits and local conditions so that your target group finds you on the web in the first place. This means not only optimising the text visible to your target audience but also translating website metadata so that it’s SEO optimised.

How does an SEO translation work?

oneword GmbH has developed a workflow which ensures that keywords used in the foreign language reflect search behaviour and other circumstances in the target market. Depending on whether you already have an SEO strategy in the source language, we first research and analyse the keywords and content in the source language. We carry out exact keyword analyses and research in the foreign language and analyse the target market and local search habits. Our professional native-speaker translators with SEO experience then naturally incorporate the identified keywords into the translation of both the on-page content (the text visible on the site) and the metadata (back-end information about a site for search engines). This allows you and your content to be found in other countries, maximising your chances of international success.

What should I look out for in an SEO marketing translation for websites?

To increase online visibility, it’s important to consider both content and various technical aspects. In terms of content, your texts should be up-to-date, unique and relevant, and have a good headline and text structure. Moreover, it’s also necessary to SEO-optimise your metadata and images to achieve good ranking results. Also, not every country uses the same search engine and this also brings different requirements. Google is in fact the front runner in Europe but in the USA, Bing and Yahoo also hold quite a significant share in the market and in Russia and China, Yandex and Baidu are among the favourites.

At a glance: Have your website translated with SEO optimisation

  • Consulting from a skilled team of SEO experts, native-speaker professional translators, and project and quality managers
  • Development of a customised workflow for your project
  • Integration of your goals into keyword research and analyses
  • Consideration of the factors influencing your online performance (cultural conditions of the target market and the starting position of your competitors in the target country)
  • Native-speaker professional translators with SEO competence edit your texts
  • Highest quality thanks to triple quality assurance and adherence to ISO 17100
  • Integration of keywords into the text, without negatively influencing the flow of reading
  • Inclusion of the defined keywords in metadata and images
SEO translation

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