Übersetzungsbüro oneword; Leiste mit Logos

Initially, oneword gained its unique wealth of experience through working on projects with companies in the automotive, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering industries and specialised in particular in technical documentation and specialised translations.

With our high degree of curiosity, versatility and flexibility, we have continuously expanded our circle of customers and also gained expertise in many industries. In addition to technical documentation, we now support customers from software, high-tech and brand-name companies, such as the software manufacturers AVIRA and SAGE, the renewable energy companies ENERCON and SMA, and brand-name companies such as FEIN Elektrowerkzeuge, BEIERSDORF, CHANEL and SCHWAN STABILO in their marketing communications and in developing a multilingual yet consistent brand image. We also help companies in research, science, business and tourism to communicate about their services in many languages – from the German Research Foundation (DFG), universities and trade fairs, such as HANNOVER MESSE, to the German National Tourist Board (GNTB) and financial companies.

The requirements for translation services are as diverse as the industries. We know what our customers needs are and have tailored our services to their industry-specific requirements.

Here you will find an overview of some of our industries and industry-specific language services that we are happy to provide for you. If you are interested, we will be happy to provide you with more details and references specific to your industry.

Tessa Pieczyk
Tessa Pieczyk, oneword


Head of Translation Management


t.pieczyk@oneword.de +49 (0)7031 714-9572


Zwei Bauarbeiter auf einer Baustelle, sie diskutieren den Baufortschritt.

Chemical and plastics industry


Consumer goods & lifestyle

Elektro Konsum

Marketing and advertising


E-commerce and trade


Research & the public sector

Fachübersetzungen für den öffentlichen Sektor und Forschung



Law and intellectual property


Banks and finance


E-Learning and digital media


Is your industry not on the list? Just ask us!

Branchenspezifische Übersetzung

8 good reasons to choose oneword.

Learn more about what we do and what sets us apart from traditional translation agencies.

We explain 8 good reasons and more to choose oneword for a successful partnership.

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