Referenzen zu FacE-Learning

Generation lifelong learning: Translations for e-learning and digital media

Learning programmes, podcasts and educational videos are not the only media that are seeing increasing popularity. In the future, all types of communication will play an integral role – from forums, chats, video conferences and webinars, all the way through to specially designed virtual rooms for seminars and classes, both nationally and internationally. E-learning is a growing market and an exciting industry that has been given an additional enormous boost since the recent pandemic crisis. Different methods and various forms of media offer companies the opportunity to train and educate their staff independent of location and time, with maximum effectiveness and across language barriers and national borders.
Specialised translations for e-learning and educational software are a necessity. After all, the content mostly involves enormous expertise. Relaying that content in the learner’s native language, or at the very least translation into English, is therefore generally a huge help for all parties involved and thus very desirable.

Making learning easy and affordable in many languages

To make translations for different digital learning media faster, cheaper and available to a wider international audience, e-learning content has recently started to rely more on the intelligent combination of machine translation plus post-editing by native-speaker specialists. A feasibility analysis can check if machine translation is also suitable for your learning content. If the learning content is suitable for machine pre-translation, significant costs can be saved without compromising on quality. In addition to machine translation, this also requires professional post-editing in accordance with ISO 18587.

Caroline Cüppers
Caroline Cüppers, oneword


Team Lead Project Management


c.cueppers@oneword.de +49 (0)7031 714-9564

“Working with oneword in one sentence? High-quality translations that are always delivered quickly, reliably and with our very own industry terminology. What we particularly appreciate is the wide range of languages on offer. Especially as a global company, our e-learning platform benefits from numerous translation options. We thank oneword for our partnership over the last 10 years or more!”

Birgit Bauer, Team Manager Cross Media Production, IM|S Intelligent Media Systems AG

E-learning translations for internal and external target groups

Learning software is used as a medium in all areas of business, for example in customer service, specialist training, recruitment or marketing. This channel of communication is also suitable across all industries – whether healthcare, the automotive industry, telecommunications or law. Product support services are considered particularly useful and customer-friendly by consumers when the content has been localised into their own native language. Therefore, multilingual e-learning proposals provide a significant potential for setting yourself apart from the competition, which gives you a competitive advantage. But the market for stand-alone, end-customer offerings has also developed enormously. Digitalisation has created a new business segment, which has already grown enormously, especially in the fields of DIY, trades, hobbies, infotainment and education, such as adult language training. It is worthwhile investing in e-learning and making ambitious training sessions, learning opportunities and offers available to a wide audience of business customers and individuals as well as in-house and external audiences. oneword can help you communicate your content in multiple languages.

We support you in providing multilingual learning software

  • Our skilled team in the field of e-learning produces specialised translations in accordance with the native language principle and ISO 17100 and specialises in your industry and the purpose of e-learning
  • We offer translations into and from 80 languages and for over 170 language combinations
  • An efficient project management team and permanent contact persons take care of all the processes and are by your side to provide strategic consultancy
  • A wide range of state-of-the-art technologies and tools ensures optimal workflow design, optimised processes and reduced costs
  • We check whether machine translation and post-editing in accordance with the MTPE quality standard ISO 18587 is suitable for your learning content in order to provide the translations even faster and more cost-effectively
  • Our quality management team provides a third check and is committed to the highest linguistic accuracy and functionality
  • oneword also processes user interfaces as well as graphics, audio files, course documentation and other file formats
Elo Di

“We’ve worked regularly with oneword on a number of projects over the years. oneword has responsibility for our localisation process. We translate marketing texts (website texts, brochures, and flyers) and technical content (software interfaces, technical documentation) into 10 different languages. We are extremely satisfied! I particularly love the friendly, responsive, competent and proactive advice from the project management team. E-mails are answered within a few minutes and we always receive quotes quickly. Agreed deadlines are always adhered to. And the quality of the translation is excellent – our clients and colleagues from foreign branches regularly confirm this. We feel like we get the best support possible from oneword.”

Alexandra Galais, Head of Localisation and Translation, ELO Digital Office GmbH

The years of loyalty shown by our customers are testament to our quality

Quality management


Ensures that the provided translations are of the best possible quality.

Software localisation


Adapt your software to be optimized for your international customers.

Marketing translations

Marketing Übersetzung

Reach your customers worldwide with the right message.

8 good reasons to choose oneword.

Learn more about what we do and what sets us apart from traditional translation agencies.

We explain 8 good reasons and more to choose oneword for a successful partnership.

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