Term Mining: In search of terminology

Terminology creation or extraction is also called term mining. It's a good metaphor, because just like rocks or minerals, a company's terms are already there, but usually hidden deep in documents, often not to be found in pure form – and always valuable for an organisation's corporate language. It is therefore necessary to uncover the company's own stock of words, to sound them out and bring them to light.

Term Mining: In search of terminology2024-06-21T09:49:09+02:00

Many roads lead to terminology: Consistent corporate language right from the start

The process of creating or extracting terminology is also referred to as term mining, which suggests fitting parallels: Just like stone or minerals, the terms are already there, possibly buried deep in a company's documents, but they're definitely valuable to its corporate language. So all that needs to be done is to uncover this body of words and bring them to light.

Many roads lead to terminology: Consistent corporate language right from the start2024-06-21T09:51:50+02:00
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