
Certification: oneword has once again been recertified in accordance with ISO 17100 and ISO 18587

Quality confirmed in every respect: in January 2023, oneword successfully renewed its certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100 and DIN ISO 18587. Auditing of all criteria of both standards was carried out periodically by an independent auditor – and concluded with unreserved praise.

Professional, high-quality translation services are a matter of form, content and process – they must be factually coherent, technically correct and run smoothly from the first step (enquiry) to the last (delivery). Broadly speaking, the finer points and how they are to be complied with are regulated, among other things, by the standards DIN EN ISO 17100 for translation services and DIN ISO 18587 for post-editing machine translations. Both complement each other perfectly, if you do it right.

In the standard two-year period, we have just proved once again that we do this and have successfully passed recertification for both standards. Prior to this, the auditor from Austrian Standards had conducted in-depth one-to-one interviews with project managers, the management team, partner and quality management, and the IT and MTPE departments, and closely scrutinised our current processes and how we document them. No issues were raised and the auditor was full of praise for the team:

oneword implements the standards and processes in an exemplary manner, both in terms of documentation and transparency in the use of MT. He noted that oneword has a high level of expertise in specialised topics, which is not often found in this form amongst service providers, who tend to follow technological developments but do not drive them forward. He said he was pleased to see a clear progression in all areas at each audit.

We are very pleased with this assessment, which we are happy to share with everyone involved in our team. Since we are still one of the few translation service providers in Germany to be certified in accordance with both standards, we are no less delighted to be able to pass on our expertise to our customers.

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