
oneword at the 2023 tcworld conference

The 2023 tcworld conference, the largest industry event for technical communication, took place between 14 and 16 November at ICS Stuttgart. oneword was of course in attendance again. After the overwhelming success of the previous year, we could hardly wait to get back into trade fair mode.

So we started the conference on Tuesday with a slightly different exhibition stand. Visitors’ reactions were extremely positive and we received many compliments on the appealing design.
Like last year, our stand was the perfect place for us to meet existing customers and partners and make new contacts. We’d therefore like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for all your visits and the stimulating discussions they kicked off!

Tekom Jahrestagung 2023 - oneword Messestand; 4 Frauen stehen unter einem großen Bildschirm und dem oneword Logo

Lots of highlights, reasons to celebrate – and a party on the very first evening

One particular highlight was the stand party on the first evening. With a great mix of refreshing drinks, tasty snacks and upbeat music, we were able to enjoy an entertaining evening with our guests. In a relaxed atmosphere, many discussions from the day at the trade fair were continued and new contacts were made. We would like to thank everyone who joined us on this fantastic evening. It was certainly not the last of its kind.

tekom Jahrestagung 2023 - Standparty

A wealth of knowledge, a full programme – and a triple contribution from oneword

Of course, we also actively contributed to the conference programme again this year. We were very proud that once again all of our presentations were accepted by the conference advisory board. The presentation rooms were full and the positive feedback we received showed that our chosen topics accurately recognised the needs of participants.

  • Garbage in, garbage out? How translation-oriented writing reduces queries and mistakes (Eva-Maria Tillmann, Head of Quality Management)
  • Words don’t come easy – integrating specified terminology into machine translation (Jasmin Nesbigall, Head of MTPE and Terminology Management)
  • Beyond bits and bytes: criteria for the evaluation of machine translations (Nicole Sixdorf, Head of Translation Partner Management)
tekom Jahrestagung 2023 - Vortrag Eva-Maria Tillmann; Bild in einen Vortragsraum mit Publikum von hinten

Another highlight was Nicole Sixdorf’s presentation on “Translating, localising, connecting – oneword as a pioneer for global success” at the careerHUB. The audience gained some interesting insights into how oneword works and learned more about the wide range of career opportunities available in our company.

tekom Jahrestagung 2023 - Vortrag Nicole Sixdorf careerHUB

The popular oneQuiz was also a must this year, challenging participants to put their knowledge of oneword to the test. All correct answers were entered into a prize draw to win a pair of JBL noise-cancelling headphones, which have now found a lucky winner.

tekom Jahrestagung 2023 - oneQuiz und Verlosung

“The 2023 tcworld conference was once again a great success for oneword. We received positive feedback across the board, our speakers and their presentations were particularly well received and we had many inspiring discussions. All this shows that our focus on quality in all areas is absolutely right. We are already looking forward to the 2024 tcworld conference and to sharing our upcoming innovations and best practices in professional circles.”

Andrea Modersohn, Managing Partner, oneword GmbH

Did you miss our live presentations this year but have a tcworld conference ticket? Then you can still view the recordings for three months.

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